Saturday, March 28, 2009

Powerful Lesson

The 20 minute ride I have with the kids from home to school never lacks in entertainment and sometimes ( as was the case Yesterday) in education too...
S always keep a stash of her books in both cars (actually in bathrooms, under her pillow, under our bed etc.etc.) to prepare for the contingency that she may actually be cornered somewhere for a few minutes with no access to books. Yesterday on our way to school, little s promptly took one of those books and scribbled on it.
S : "Sanju...!! " (horrified expression), "I can't believe you did that, This is one of my favorite books, how dare you do that"...
s: "See Sahana...that is why I made it pretty : by coloring on it", in a very calm voice.
S: "How would you like it if I colored on one of your favorite things ?"
s : "Let's see...the kitchen set is my favorite toy"
S: "See what I do this evening, I am going to color all over it" (With absolute vengence)
s: "Okay Sahana, How about after school today we both get our paint brushes out and color on my kitchen set"
S: Clearly very dispappointed at her attempt..."Actually I am going to color on your book"
s: "But I don't really own any ...How about I buy one and then you can color on it" (Still very calm)
S bursts into tears...

Very often we ( at least I ) forget that we really do have the option to control how we feel and react to a situation. Arrows can come our way but we have the power to deflect almost all of them....