Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"But, there is more..."

It was Sunday and the kids had a play date with B and P. All was well and everyone had a great time. It was not until bed time that I stepped into their room. The room was a bit of a mess, nothing too unusual after a play date, so we started cleaning. I started putting away a bunch of stuff from underneath what seemed to be a pile of pillows. At the bottom of it all was my check book - the one that is currently in use at our household. "What were you doing with my checkbook?", I asked S. "It's not me, little s got it", came a prompt reply. Little s who was around the whole time gave me a sheepish smile and said "Sorry amma, I won't do it again". "s, this is not a toy and you shouldn't play with it, this is an important book", I said. I quickly picked up the checkbook and stashed it away where it belongs and continued cleaning. Little s continued to follow me with what seemed like non-stop sorry-s. I felt bad,it is not at all like little s to show that much remorse over something like this. I stopped, knelt down to her level and told her it was okay. With her big eyes going even bigger, she said,"Actually amma I even drawed in it".

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