Monday, November 03, 2008

Everyone has an opinion

I was driving the kids to school this morning. With the ipod left behind at home and kids being a little tired of what I had to offer from the same 6 CDs in my car which I hadn't changed in several years, they resorted to their next best form of entertainment a.k.a squabbling with each other. Traffic wasn't great and on top of it it was raining too, so I felt the overwhelming need to interfere. "Hey guys, do you know tommorrow is election day", I started.

"You are voting for Obama, right Amma? ", cheerfully enquired by 7-year old.

"No, amma is going to vote for John McCaine", came a sharp response from the almost 3-year old, whose primary mission in life is to disagree with her big sister.

"NO Sanju...Do you want the Iraqi war to continue? ", charged my older one.

Sanju who had no idea what either one of those words meant, could however detect the accusational tone in her sister's voice and realized that it must be something bad.

"Nooooooooo", came a defensive response from her.

"Then amma should vote for Obama, he is the only one who would stop the war", said big S clearly pleased that her point has been made.

Not to be outdone, "No, he won't" came another confident response from Sanju. It was all downhill from that point onwards with angry "Yes, he will" and "No he won't" exchanged...

I quietly admitted defeat and decided to focus on the traffic again.

Lesson Learnt : It doesn't matter what the topic is, regardless of age, experience or familiarity on the subject (or lack there of) , everyone has an opinion...


RD said...

Wow, impressive kids, S&S!

Arke said...

Indeed! How do they even know about this stuff? Do you guys talk to them about it? Or school?